You can send us your feedback by:


[email protected]

0333 323 1543

or writing to:
Safe Link
Part 2nd Floor
Embassy House
Queens Avenue


Please help us to improve our services by forwarding your comments to us.

You don’t have to be a service user to give us feedback, you may have come into contact with our services in another way.

We welcome your ideas, suggestions, comments and compliments to improve our services.

  • Please give as much detail as possible, including dates and the names of people involved. This will help us to respond to you more quickly.
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  • Hidden
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


If you wish to make a complaint about our services, please click here to see our complaints procedure.

If you prefer, you can download a copy our Comments, Suggestions and Complaints form to print out and fill in.

SAFE Link service users feedback

"this is just what I have been looking for"
"it’s such a relief to know I am not the only one feeling this way"
"being part of the group helps my confidence, helps me to look on the positive side and have understanding support"