Page 14 - SafeLinkEvaluation
P. 14

3d Assault details
The commonest form of assault was rape. This was followed by sexual assault. Several clients were also survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Most (26/41, 63.4%) of the clients
Table 7: assault type and when
Assault type # (%)
Rape 19 (46.3%) Sexual assault 9 (21.9%)
Historic childhood abuse 3 (7.3%)
Historic childhood abuse and recent rape 1 (2.4%)
Assault by penetration 2 (4.9%)
Other / unknown 7 (17.1%)
In many cases the perpetrator was a friend or acquaintance. This was the case for 13/41 (31.7%) clients. The second most common perpetrator was a partner (current or ex) (9/41, 22%). In 6/41 cases there were multiple perpetrators.
referred to the LD ISVA were seeing her for current or recent violence, although a quarter (10/41, 24.4.%) experienced historic/ non-recent violence.
When # (%)
Current/recent 26 (63.4%)
Unknown 3 (7.3%) Both 2 (4.9%)
Non-recent/historic 10 (24.4%)
                     Table 8: who the perpetrator was Who #
Friend/acquaintance Partner (current/ex) Unknown Neighbour/co-resident Stranger Family member Other Family member and others
22% 17%
 This finding contrasts a 2016 report (Lovett and Kelly, 2016), which analysed data held on the general population by 18 Rape Crisis Centres across England and Wales where perpetrators were most commonly family members, followed by acquaintances and intimate partners.
Where location was reported (20/41) the most common places were in their home (6/41) followed by in a public space (6/41) , the perpetrator’ s home (2/41) and in a car (2/41). At least one client experienced violence in their supported accommodation. As we explore later, finding alternative accommodation and ensuring safety at home that met needs was difficult.
2.4% 2.4%
9.8% 7.3%
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