Page 8 - SafeLinkEvaluation
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  (based on a previous assessment of her needs) while still getting her views and consent. Checked her understanding of my role and then used picture cards about criminal justice process to introduce the idea of reporting to police. Used an emotions board to ascertain how she felt. She was adamant she wanted to tell the police and after discussing with her support worker and social worker, we agreed she had capacity to make this decision. I made sure she was aware of next steps and then reported the incident to the police from my car, as she did not want to be present.
 13.30: Stopped for lunch in motorway services carpark before visiting another client. I had visited him before with police to tell him his abuser had died two years ago. He had started using alcohol and substances and was two-weeks dry. But he called me that morning upset, considering buying vodka, so we’d agreed I’d see him. On arrival I established that he hadn’t been drinking and so we went ahead with the meeting. We talked about his coping strategies and filled in a chart with pictures for the following week of activities he could do. I also reminded him of his existing support network and positive choices he had made to cope with the news.
    15.00: Dropped into office to pick up materials for last meeting but found an urgent call back request from a client struggling with daily suicidal thoughts. He was at a building he previously said he could jump from. He was not engaging with mental health services and had not been taking his medication as he didn’t understand the labels. I talked to him until he got his bus home. I then called his GP to request a welfare check and to organise a dossier box.
    15.30: Went to meet with LD steering group to get feedback and new ideas on leaflets, including one on reporting sexual offence to police with support of SAFE Link.
    The service has a reciprocal referral pathway with specialist LD providers that enable the ISVA to access specialist support for survivors and work in a collaborative and holistic way.
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